Defamation can occur in a wide variety of ways, be that via social media or in front of a group of people. Defamation can occur not only to a person, as it is also possible to defame a company. However, this is subject to certain criteria being met, including that the company have no more than a specified number of employees, among other things. More recently, amendments were made to the relevant legislation governing defamation that introduced a “serious harm” threshold. This means that the person complaining of having been defamed must satisfy the Court that it has caused, or is likely to case, “serious harm” to the reputation of that person. The area of the law relating to defamation is complex and there are strict time limits within which to act. Our lawyers can help you to resolve your defamation matter at any stage of the process. However, it is always best to speak with us as early on as possible to enable us to provide you with the best assistance, strategy and advice which will help you to achieve your objectives in a commercially sensible way.